Tough as an old crow
Purchased this helmet bag in 1998 and have since mercilessly abused it daily on adventures spanning 6 continents! Despite showing a few wear marks, I consider it "properly broken-in" and ready to serve....which it does as functionally as our first day together. I couldn't recommend a product more than your helmet back.
Comments from an actual human consumer...not a robot. :)
Large Helmet Bag (Tan)
Ordered thru my BX as my older helmet bag was ready for retirement. Quite surprised when the LHB arrived; the size, color (inside and out) and quality are all there! Great bag. Looking forward to putting the word out about Flying Circle products.
Helmet Bag
Outstanding high quality bag. Great idea reolacing the velcro on the issue bag with zippers and adding the extra pocket above the others. Great design and great workmanship.
Large Helmet Bag
Great Bag! I liked the first one so much I purchased another. Now have one for my SPH and one for my Eagle Alpha. Big enough to fit both helmet and flight suit. Contrasting interior makes it easy to locate stuff inside, outside pockets are super convenient. Well thought out design by folks who get it. Thanks
A very functional and well made bag
I used to have a bag that I bought years ago at Gap that I loved for its utilitarian and functional fashion, and after years of almost daily use, it was showing significant wear and tear. I started looking for a replacement but couldn't find one that appealed to my sense of style, at an affordable price point. I saw on the tag inside my old bag that it was called a helmet bag, Googled it and my search led me to several sites.
I'm very happy that I chose flying circle gear because this bag is everything I wanted: large, stylish, minimal, water repellent and washable! I can carry my make up, book, workout clothes, water, whatever I want, it all fits, the zippers and pockets are very easy to get into and useful, and I read in another review by a pilot that, emptied, the bag can double as a pillow, which would be handy if I take a day trip on a bus or train.
I'm very happy with the quality of your product, affordability and speed of service, and will be recommending it to others.
Thank you Flying Circle Gear!
Well Made & Awesome Service
I own a few of your bags and I continue to buy them because it is well made and customer service is awesome. This new helmet bag is way better than the previous model. Best of all the price is right. Thank you and many more years to come for your company!
Quite Satisfied
I have bought several of yours bags over the years and have always been satisfied. It has come to point were my wife wants her own bag (to keep her stuff in while hunting).
I would recommend this improvement however . . . change the black interior of the black bag to a lighter color (such as tan).
Very Useful
My son took mine for his high school bag, i have one that i use to carry band equipment in (heavy amp cords and effects) weekly to different functions , very strong easy to carry either as backpack (freeing up hands), or with top handles. this bag is really very useful for all sorts of stuff and tasks.
By Far the Best
I am a retired Marine Officer and recently purchased a black Deluxe Helmet on the Navy Base in San Diego. Over the years, I have owned 8-10 Helmet Bags. Yours is the by far the best.
This one has all the bells and whistles one could ask for yet without the extra added straps many backpacks come with. Its design offers padding, pockets and only one necessary removable strap.
I am sure I will be buying more and recommend it.