No More Trash Bags for Foster Kids

Hunter Beaton's family fosters children through CPS and back in 2016 when we first met him, we learned that he was dedicating his Eagle Scout project to helping these children after he saw them carrying their belongings in trash bags, grocery bags, or nothing at all. He knew something as simple as a real quality bag could make all the difference in the world to these kids and now every foster child in Texas receives one of his bags.
Working with Hunter on his Sustainability - Day 1 Bags program and seeing it grow from local Eagle Scout project to become the first state-wide program of its kind in the country, and now receiving recognition at the national level has been such a privilege for all of us here at Flying Circle. Hunter's efforts have provided over 27,000 bags (and counting!) to children transitioning into the foster care system across the country.
If you'd like to help Hunter give bags to foster children, please donate here:
Good Morning America recently featured Hunter on their show. Watch the video to learn more about his mission and the story behind Day 1 Bags.